Tembisa Ngqondi
Tembisa Ngqondi is an Associate Professor and a Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Design at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Prof Ngqondi’s leadership in the academic sector started as early as 2001 when she was appointed to the position of the Program Leader, followed by Head of Department and the Head of School.
Over the years, she has accumulated work experience in academia, where she served in different committees, forums and advisory boards at departmental, school, faculty and institutional levels. Prof Ngqondi has a colourful career path since she obtained her qualifications from diverse education environment, such as Technikon, Comprehensive University and a Traditional University system. She obtained her PhD in Information Systems at the University of Fort Hare.
Her research interest is on Information and Communication Technology with the specific focus on Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) and Information Technology Governance (ITG). Prof Ngqondi is an active community member who participate on diverse community engagement projects at an individual to national level. Her ambition is to contribute towards human capacity development. She believes that all humankind was born leaders in their respective capacity or rather capabilities. Her belief system is the anchor of her purpose-driven life. Her motto is that we are human first then all other tittles, which makes her believe that people must be treated with respect and dignity and that becomes a lifetime secret of respecting yourself.