Lazarus Mohapi Maleho
Lazarus M Maleho is the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences, Vaal University of
Technology, South Africa. The faculty he is heading comprises of four departments,
department of Education, Legal Sciences, Tourism and Integrated Communication, Visual Arts
and Design.
Lazarus has more than 15 years’ experience in academia, among the duties and roles he played
include lecturing, programme coordination and Head of department. Lazarus played a vital
role in curriculum development of Diplomas and Postgraduate diplomas. He was also
instrumental as a chair of the task team for assessment policy at VUT. Lazarus was involved in
many policy developments at VUT and he seats in number of committees.
He successfully supervised and co-supervised ten Masters and one PhD student. He is
currently supervising five Masters students. He mentored more than twenty BTech students.
He received faculty research award in 2017, 1st place research achievement in the faculty.
Lazarus was also acknowledged for contributing towards research in 2016.
Lazarus attended and presented papers at number of conferences both national and
international. He published papers in both accredited and non-accredited journals. His
background is in strategic communication, Public Relations and Media Studies.
DTech: Strategic Communication-Tshwane University of Technology
MTech: Public Relations Management-Vaal University of Technology
BTech: Public Relations Management-Vaal University of Technology
NDip: Public Relations Management-Vaal University of Technology
Certificate: International Tourism- Samelson College